Sunday, December 9, 2012

Day 1

(Check out the previous posts The Sims 3: Ponified? and Intro to learn more about this blog and what's going on.)

It's spring time in Manehattan(Bridgeport) and that means rain, flowers, egg hunts, and love. I guess I could say, it's the time of year to find that special somepony for Hearts and Hooves Day or as they call it in The Sims 3, Love Day. Yes, quite creative if you ask me. The girls started out their morning just like any other, I made it hail a little, just to see what it looked like, but otherwise the early morning hours were uneventful. I decided to have the Mane six make their way down to a park called Bridgeport Acers where a Spring Fest was being held. It has everything Springy that you could imagine. Egg hunts, a dance floor, kissing booths, a skating rink and much more.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3 

Some awkward looking dancing by RD and Pinkie. It looks like Rainbow is thinking about that one time at the lake with all those Pinkie clones. What are those weird leafy statues in the background anyways?

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3 
Twilight and Rarity decided to play horseshoes. Oh, the irony! See that outfit that Rarity is wearing? Well, she made that all by herself. One day she just put it on, I didn't know Sims could do that on their own. That's just crazy! I have no clue what Applejack is doing, just watching maybe but her pose is just...odd.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3 
A little bit later, Fluttershy and Pinkie decided to test their relationship with this love meter thingy (Don't look at me, I don't know what it's called.). Well it didn't turn out so well, they scored way low. It said it couldn't find anything wrong with their relationship but something didn't feel right. Sorry Flutterpie-rs, it just doesn't look like it'll work out. But who listens to a machine anyways? It looks like Twilight's still horseshoein it up like crazy in the background! As the sun went down Fluttershy decided to try the love meter thingy again but this time with Rainbow Dash. Once again, it was not a success. It said that their relationship was like honey and vinegar, sticky and sour. That sounds like a really weird relationship if you ask me. But some might tell you that opposites attract. After their sad failure, Dash and Fluttershy gave each other a nice, friendly hug. They're probably better off as friends anyways.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3 
But this hug was something much more than that. As you can see Fluttershy seems to be contemplating this a little more than Rainbow is. Later that day, a new wish appeared for Fluttershy. It was to kiss Rainbow Dash for the first time. It looks like you FlutterDash-ers might just win this one, but we'll all have to wait to find out. After this the girls decided to head home for the night.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3

Mother of god! Twilight can still use her magic. Oops, never mind, false alarm. That's just the teleport sim cheat.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
After returning home, RD decided to challenge Twilight to a game of chess. Hmm, I wonder who will win this one. That's probably not a good idea, Rainbow.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Of course, Dash has the excuse of needing a bathroom break to stop her butt from being kicked...or maybe she just really needed to go. No matter what it was, this was the end of the game and nopony won.

Well that's it for day 1, after this nothing eventful happened and everypony went off to bed. The night was pretty normal too, just a bunch of snoring ponies, I mean Sims.

What other antics will the Mane Six get into? Will Fluttershy be brave enough to tell Rainbow her feelings? Does Rainbow Dash feel the same way? Will she ever step up and continue her chess game with Twilight? I don't even know yet, so stay tuned for Day 2!

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