Sunday, March 3, 2013

Day 5

I apologize for not posting for quite some time, especially for those of you that check in frequently. I've been very busy lately and haven't had the chance. Hopefully, Day 5 will make up for the long wait.

It was another hot summer day in the city of Manehattan and I don't just mean temperature wise. This day was full of drama and romance once again...I'm starting to think this blog should be renamed Ponies: The Soap Opera.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
The day began with Rarity walking in on a very embarrassed Fluttershy taking a bath.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
After the moment of shock had passed, Fluttershy promptly exited the bathtub and quickly clothed herself. She then proceeded to shoo Rarity from the room. Paying no attention to her, Rarity pulled out her phone to call someone, all while her feet were still firmly planted on the bathroom floor. Really, Rarity, really?

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3

This made Fluttershy very angry. Hey, I would be pissed off by that bitchy attitude too. As you can see from her strange convulsions and expression, she headed straight into Flutterage mode. This is bad, run Rarity!!!

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
As you can see Rarity didn't run but instead raged back, something she is very good at. I just love that facial expression, you can see the anger in her eyes. I accidentally cut of her speech bubble but for whatever reason she was raging about fortune cookies. 

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Something strange happened when the two raged at one another, something very unexpected. Later on in the morning, Fluttershy spoke with Rarity and finally got up the courage to tell her that she was attracted to her...I thought you liked Rainbow Dash? Well, no matter what happened there, Rarity was angered by this confession, whether it be because of Rainbow Dash or some other unknown reason. Although she was mad, she too was attracted to her but never said another word about it.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Moments after the encounter between Rarity and Fluttershy, Twilight got a random call on her cellphone. A man named Reuben, whom she had never met before, asked her out on a date. A little strange if you ask me...I wonder how he got that number? But, whatever works. Twilight happily agreed and rushed downtown to meet him at his work, a salon/tattoo shop.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Well, there he is. He definitely does not look like Twilight's type of guy or is it just me? Turns out that Reuben is also a minor one star celebrity for what, I have no idea...Hold on, that man in the background!!!

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
I remember you!!! Yes, I can see it now. That one time back on Fluttershy's and Dash's first date...

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3

...and flash back. Who is this man and why is he always in the background of these ponies' lives?!?

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Let's make a quick jump back to the house to see what's going on, okay then...I don't even...let's get back to Twilight's date.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Ha! told you he wasn't Twilight's type. She shut that guy down pretty quick...Aww, I kinda feel sorry for him.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Already found another one huh Twi? Well, this time the attraction was mutual. I wouldn't know as I am not a women but I'm pretty sure this guy is one of those guys that every girl wants...and guess what? He's also a five star celebrity of what? Once again, I have no idea. Nice catch though, nice catch. 

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Twilight then proceeded to impress Matthew Hamming with her "athletic skill" which I'm pretty sure she doesn't have much of. Just be yourself, Twilight. He already likes you. After a few more minutes of flirtatious banter, Matthew had to leave to go do celebrity stuff. The two are just friends for now, but I'm guessing this could lead somewhere. Twilight then headed home and read some cheesy romance book.

Well, that's all folks. Tune in next time for some more love, drama, strange men in the background, and dogs that like to watch ponies skinny dip in hot tubs...or something close to that.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Day 4

Along with the first day of Summer (Summer already?...shhh! I might have sped things up a bit.) came a fairly warm morning.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Yes! bend over and let me...tag you. They're just playing tag because it's such a nice morning sillies. What were you thinking? Since when does Rarity play tag?  It seems like she'd be too worried about getting dirty and sweaty. Some character development possibly? Always have to love that.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Why do I always find that these two sleeping is so cute? I mean just look at them! Also seeds. This can mean whatever you want it to mean.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Applejack found a plate that somepony left out all night...and decided to lick it.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Don't ask, I have no idea what's going on here

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3

Then it started to hail and Fluttershy really didn't give a buck. She's just chillin like a badass in the pool.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3

Oh, Rainbow Dash, we all know your cool too but you don't have to do stupid things like putting your hands in a fire to show us.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Talking about animals huh? Well, now that I think about it you girls do need your pets. It's easy to get a dog and cat. Finding a bunny is fairly easy too, but an alligator, turtle, and owl...yeah.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
As the storm raged on outside, Fluttershy decided to try something new and take up the piano. Pinkie seemed to enjoy the flow-less, tuneless pecks at the keys.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
After listening to Fluttershy's "wonderful" performance, Pinkie went upstairs to open the dresser (Why? I don't know, it's Pinkie Pie) To her surprise the drawer was stuck and as you can see, she struggled to open it and ended up flying backwards to the floor. Gotta love Pinkie!

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
The two love birds or should I say love ponies, were at it again.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
I'm really glad I can't understand Sim language because a pick up line involving a match already sounds horrible, come on Dash, really!

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
The girls decided to head downtown to go clubbin'.(Is it just me or does this look like a scene from Silent Hill or a creepy zombie movie?...Remember those shadow figures that Fluttershy was talking about on day 2, well here you go.)

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Luckily the girls made it to the club unharmed and were not eaten alive by shadow figures hiding in the fog. Oh look, Fluttershy is thinking about a dragon, what a coincidence.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Pinkie decided to have an interesting conversation with a body guard. Ice skating with sea monsters, seems legit.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
The body guard then came to the realization that she was surrounded by ponies.

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Aww, why you over there all by yourself Applejack?...Seriously, that makes me sad.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
The only other club goer was this guy, just some random hobo off the street.

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Everypony's partyin'! the homeless man creeps in the background...

Screenshot taken from The Sims 3
Well, he must not be too bad of a guy if Rarity decided to dance with him. Rarity is dancing with a dirty hobo that's been living in the filth of the city? As I said earlier, character progression. That was very nice of you Rarity.

Finally after dancing for hours and hours, the girls decided to head home and hit the hay and with that we end day 4. Tune in next time for, I have no idea!